HVAC -- Webinar: Duct Smoke Detection Back to Basics

"This one-hour webinar provides an overview of duct smoke detection, including basic code and testing requirements. It also covers the different types of duct smoke detectors and how they operate, provides an overview of duct smoke detector installation and placement, and identifies what should be considered before purchasing duct smoke detectors. It also answers frequently asked questions about duct smoke detectors and duct smoke detector wiring. At the completion of this course, attendees will understand the basics of duct smoke detection HVAC codes and testing and the basics of installing and operating duct smoke detectors.
This course is suited for individuals involved in the purchase, sale, installation or specification of duct smoke detectors in HVAC systems.
System Sensor Webinar, August 2013.
Video Includes Question and Answer Session.
Find out more about air duct detection on our website: http://www.systemsensor.com/

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